Sulphur Creek Flood Control Seminar

Seminar Details:
February 3, 2025
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Old Lampasas Middle School Cafeteria (Map)
No registration necessary
The Lampasas River Watershed Partnership is collaborating with the Lampasas County Water Control & Improvement District #1 (WCID) to host a seminar on the Sulphur Creek Flood Control System on February 3 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Lampasas. This seminar will offer local citizens a chance to learn about the 9 Floodwater Retarding Structures upstream of the city of Lampasas and the services they provide.
The seminar is offered at no charge and will include light refreshments. The workshop will be held at the Old Lampasas Middle School Cafeteria (map), which is located on Western Avenue, between North Avenue and Avenue B. The address to the campus is 207 E. Ave. A, Lampasas.
The WCID is the local sponsor for operations and maintenance of nine Floodwater Retarding Structures on Sulphur Creek and its tributaries, along with their local co-sponsor, the Hill Country Soil and Water Conservation District. In April 1957, these local sponsors executed a work plan with the USDA Soil Conservation Service (now Natural Resource Conservation Service) to build the dams upstream of the city of Lampasas. The following month, before construction could begin, the last of eight historic floods occurred in Lampasas, resulting in several deaths. The subsequent construction of these dams rendered the May 1957 flood the last in Lampasas to date.
Sixty-eight years later, the nine dams remain an important safeguard against future disaster. As flooding becomes a top priority in central Texas and across the state, it’s important that citizens are aware of the services that these dams provide. As these dams age, they will require additional maintenance to continue to provide those same services. This seminar aims to raise awareness among our citizens about these services and future needs of our dam systems.