Virtual Septic System Clinic - May 2, 2024

Workshop Details
May 2, 2024; Noon - 1:30 pm
Microsoft Teams Platform
Workshop Description
Home septic systems, also known as on-site sewage systems, or OSSFs, are used to treat wastewater before it is dispersed on the property and are typically found in rural areas or areas that are not able to connect to a municipal waste collection system. Systems that are not functioning properly can contaminate our waterways with bacteria and other pollutants, in addition to causing human health hazards. The clinic will provide a basic understanding of the operational and maintenance activities of a septic system and explain how activities within the home impact septic systems.
There will be a presentation over health and safety considerations, how to care for and feed the system, and general maintenance procedures. The remainder of the clinic will offer participants the opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting. This clinic will not certify homeowners to conduct their own required quarterly inspections for aerobic septic systems.
Failing septic systems were identified by the Lampasas River Watershed Partnership as a potential source of bacterial contamination in nearby streams and waterways. The septic system maintenance clinic is offered as an educational component of the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan. This class will also offer more details about the Lampasas River Watershed Septic System Repair/Replacement Grant Program.
For questions, contact Lisa Prcin, 254-774-6008 or For resources about septic systems in Texas, go to or