Water Well Owners Educational Event
The Texas Well Owner Network, TWON, is hosting a “Well Educated” workshop in Killeen on July 18, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Texas A&M Central Texas in the Gen. Robert M. Shoemaker Founders Hall – Bernie Beck Lecture Hall at 1001 Leadership Place, Killeen, TX 76542.
This free program is for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their water needs. The TWON program was established to help well owners become familiar with Texas groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance and construction, and water quality and treatment. It allows them to learn more about how to improve and protect their community water resources.
Water samples will be screened for contaminants, including total coliform bacteria, E. coli, nitrate-nitrogen and salinity. Residents wanting to have their well water screened should pick up a sample bag, bottle and instructions from either the Bell County AgriLife Extension office (1605 N Main St #102, Belton, TX 76513) or the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District office (700 Kennedy Ct, Belton, TX 76513).
Water samples can be dropped off on July 17th from 8:30-10 a.m. at the AgriLife Extension office, the Clearwater GCD office or at the Texas A&M University – Central Texas campus, Gen. Robert M. Shoemaker Founders Hall – Bernie Beck Lecture Hall. There will be no cost for the water screening. It is very important that only sampling bags and bottles from these locations be used, and all instructions for proper sampling are followed to ensure accurate results.
To learn more about the programs offered through the network or to find additional publications and resources, visit https://twon.tamu.edu. For preregistration or more information on the water screening contact Joel Pigg at 979-845-1461 or j-pigg@tamu.edu.